Tag Archives: Daily Post

Perception is 9 Tenths of Reality

Perception is 9 Tenths

We all know that reality is relative; we have known it since childhood. ~Ram Dass

Life blesses us with many opportunities to change.

Some are pleasant. Playful. Even blissful.

Others aren’t so nice.

Those are the ones that we usually face when we’ve ignored the omens.

You know them…

That gut feeling that you dismissed as indigestion.

Later, you swear you knew something was up.



Sometimes known as extra-sensory perception.

There’s nothing supernatural or spooky about it.

It’s our ability to change our perception of the World around us.

…to tap into the information we usually ignore or take for granted.

It’s a skill we use, with varying degrees of “success”, every day.

Some people call it a state of Grace.

They tune in to a Higher Perception… the Divine, the Eternal…

and allow that perception to inform, even supersede, their own.

True Believers perceive a different world in this state.

Seeing the World…

and the World behind the world…

through a Child’s Eyes.

So many joyful moments live in the Child’s World. Perception is a toy. A game.

Through the Elder’s Eye, we recall events, people, and places with Bi-Focal Vision. We remember how we saw things way back then…but we also see things from the perspective of a lifetime of experiences.

Through the Outsider’s Eyes, the World is strange. Our sense-perceptions are heightened from this perspective. We may feel nervous, curious, afraid…and we notice so much!

The Artist is one who shows you how the world looks through different eyes.

But only YOU define reality.

What do you see?